One thing I know about myself, I really don’t enjoy not being good at things! Music has always come naturally to me. Singing, improvising, and finding harmonies, I never had to work at it! So when it comes to learning a new skill around music, I get very frustrated when progress isn’t instant! Slim patience and fear of failure is going to be a struggle – one that I’ve been avoiding for a long time – but not anymore! I made a promise to myself at the beginning of this year that the focus was going to be on upskilling!
MOBO Help Musician’s Fund
Thanks to the MOBO Help Musician’s Fund, I’m out of excuses! They are providing me with the means to develop my skills as a producer and vocalist through 1:1 sessions. I can also pay myself to dedicate time to creating, editing, failing, and most importantly learning! I am super fucking nervous. Nerves are bubbling up and fizzing alongside a glass of imposter syndrome.
What if I’m crap at this? (hey there, perfectionist, you will be at first!)
What if I overbook myself and time disappears? (stop booking word in then!)
What if I replace my dream with someone else’s cause? (because your journey is just as worthy!)
This is the daily discussion in my head. My mean voice and my cheerleader battling it out for dominance! But we all have them, and accountability buddies are dotted around to keep me on the path when I try to jump off!
Home recording academy
Home Recording Academy is already helping with that! The course kicked off earlier this month and through the course I’m learning how to record from home and how to be kind to myself! Week 2 has been ear training and staying committed to failures in order to grow. The way it’s set out is so holistic and clear, I can’t wait to learn more alongside a very clear message that imposter syndrome is normal, failure is to be expected, and it’s ok to not be perfect!
So here we are! Expect to hear new music from me this year. I don’t know what it will be yet, but I’m excited to share as I go! If anyone has tips, please feel free to share. Here’s to a new journey and seeing where it takes us! 🥂